Cookie 5 2 1 – Protect Your Online Privacy

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However, your search engine can still link your searches together using cookies and IP addresses. 10 Tip 4 will prevent tracking through cookies, while Tips 5-6 will prevent IP-based tracking. It's best to follow Tips 3-6 together - there is less benefit in preventing your searches from being linked together in one way if they can be linked in. Unfortunately, complete privacy is difficult to attain online. But you should protect what you can and you should also know why you're protecting your data. Beginning with the most obvious reasons, here are five reasons you should do your best to keep your private data private. Identity fraud or theft.

Many people believe that they can't do anything to protect their privacy online, but that's not true. There actually are simple steps to dramatically reduce online tracking.

Step 1. Download DuckDuckGo on all your devices

Cookie 5 2 1 – Protect Your Online Privacy Training

With just one download you'll get tracker blocking, private searching, increased encrypting, and privacy grading on all of your browsing. Our mobile app for iOS/Android (DuckDuckGo Privacy Browser) and browser extensions for Firefox, Chrome, and Safari (DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials) has all of this in one seamless package. Privacy, simplified.

Step 2. Update your software

Your device operating systems get out-of-date over time, and old software can contain security bugs or settings that leak personal data. Set your devices (and the apps on them) them to update automatically. That way you'll always have the latest, safest versions.


Step 3. Update your privacy settings

Make sure your devices are using the best privacy settings. Here are step-by-step instructions for all the major device types.

Especially make sure you adjust per-app location settings, so that your location history isn't leaking where it shouldn't. For extra bonus points, review the apps you have installed. If there are any you haven't used for a while, remove them to reduce the chance of your personal data being shared in the background.

Step 4. Use a password manager

Privacy and security are not one and the same, but if your accounts are not secured, your privacy is at risk. Have you ever used the same password on more than one website? If the answer's yes, then your privacy may be compromised due to data leaks. The fix is easy: start creating unique passwords for every website you use. That may sound like a lot of work, but it's not when you use a password manager. Password managers generate and store secure passwords for you automatically. Many browsers now have them built-in, or you can use a tool like LastPass, Dashlane, or 1Password that work across multiple browsers.

Cookie 5 2 1 – Protect Your Online Privacy Fence

Step 5. Set up two-factor authentication

Sqlpro studio 1 0 423 0. Two-factor authentication (also known as multi-step login) is where you use a code to log in to websites in addition to your password. You should set up two-factor authentication (2FA) wherever possible, and certainly on your major accounts (email, financial, etc.). You can check whether major sites have it available at, which also links directly to the right documentation pages.

And that's it! Doing the above five steps makes a huge impact on your privacy online, from stopping Big Tech from sucking up all your browsing data to adding extra protection to your passwords and email. And, once set up, it doesn't take much effort to maintain. So, let's make 2020 the year we all take back our online privacy!

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