Airmail 3 6 54 – Powerful Minimal Email Client Asks

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THIS IS NOT A SECURE EMAIL SERVICE, infact its not an email service at all, O!polis is an email client, web based. How it works is as follows: It captures your email address, so once you setup O!polis you are using your own email address as a login id – to send an email to another Opolis user only. Airmail is a powerful mail client for Mac, now available for iPhone. Designed for the latest generation iPhone and iOS9, it supports 3D Touch, fast document previewing, high quality pdf creation.

Airmail 3 6 54 – powerful minimal email client asks email

Airmail was designed from the ground UP to retain the same experience with a single or multiple accounts and provide a quick, modern and easy-to-use user experience. Airmail is clean and allows you to get to your emails without interruption – it's the mail client for the 21st century. Airmail Pro on Mac is free for all users that are subscribed to Airmail Pro for iOS or have purchased Airmail 3 after 1st January 2019. Previous users can still use Airmail with all the old features under Preferences General Airmail Legacy. New Users can try Airmail without Multi Account, and limited capabilities.

Swiss Privacy


Airmail was designed from the ground UP to retain the same experience with a single or multiple accounts and provide a quick, modern and easy-to-use user experience. Airmail is clean and allows you to get to your emails without interruption – it's the mail client for the 21st century. Airmail Pro on Mac is free for all users that are subscribed to Airmail Pro for iOS or have purchased Airmail 3 after 1st January 2019. Previous users can still use Airmail with all the old features under Preferences General Airmail Legacy. New Users can try Airmail without Multi Account, and limited capabilities.

Swiss Privacy

Data Security and Neutrality

ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and all our servers are located in Switzerland. This means all user data is protected by strict Swiss privacy laws.

End-to-End Encryption

Automatic Email Security

We use end-to-end encryption and zero access encryption to secure emails. This means even we cannot decrypt and read your emails. As a result, your encrypted emails cannot be shared with third parties.

Airmail 3 6 54 – Powerful Minimal Email Client Asks Job

Anonymous Email

Protect Your Privacy

No personal information is required to create your secure email account. By default, we do not keep any IP logs which can be linked to your anonymous email account. Your privacy comes first.

Open Source

Free Secure Email

We believe email privacy should be available to all. That's why our code is open source and basic ProtonMail accounts are always free. You can support the project by donating or upgrading to a paid account.

Easy to Use

Security without the hassle

ProtonMail can be used on any device without software install. ProtonMail secure email accounts are fully compatible with other email providers. You can send and receive emails normally.

Airmail 3 6 54 – Powerful Minimal Email Client Asks To Be

Modern Inbox Design

Security with Productivity

Airmail 3 6 54 – Powerful Minimal Email Client Asks Email

The ProtonMail inbox is optimized for productivity. Each detail within our secure email service is optimized to help you better read, organize, and send email.

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